
Published 12:49 pm Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Women veterans who attended the Women Veteran’s Gala included, from left, Judi Olson, Pat Johannsen, Julie Hamson, Joan Paszknowski, Ruth Perry and Deanna Luedtke. Provided

Women Veterans of Freeborn County

On May 18, the Disabled american Veterans and the Olmsted County Veterans Service hosted a women veterans gala in Rochester. the event was at Canadian Honker Events at Kahler Apache.

Local veterans who at-tended were Julie Hamson, Judi Olson, Joan Pasz- kowski, Ruth Perry, Sandy Maiden, Pat Johannsen and Deanna Luedtke.

Email newsletter signup

The event included a dinner, information perti- nent to women veterans, gift bags for all attendees, door prizes, and comedian and veteran allison Gill from San Diego, California.

A highlight for the group was that it was announced the governor signed legislation making May 18 Women Veterans Day.

Women veterans from all branches of service are encouraged to join the group. Its monthly meet- ings are at 11:30 a.m. the first Wednesday of every month at American Legion Post 56 in Albert Lea.

American Legion Auxiliary the Freeborn american Legion auxiliary No. 552 met at 9 a.m. May 20 at the Freeborn Legion Hall. Sandy anderson called the meeting to order. the pledges were recited. Anderson read two poems entitled “Little Red Flower” and “Meetings.” The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were given and approved as read.

All of the sewing items produced by the community sewing group have been distributed.

The group will again do its no bake fundraiser. Anderson will put the information in with her august membership newsletter.

Anderson gave the poppy report. She has gone door to door in Freeborn and to the businesses. She also had poppies available on Memorial Day, before the Memorial Day program. The Memorial Day program began at 11 a.m. at the Freeborn City/Township Hall. the cemetery committee hosted a dinner at the city/ township hall following the program.

A discussion was held concerning the community coffee shop donation list. a new list will be available for the year 2018.

It was decided not to meet during June, July and august. the next meeting will be at 9 a.m. Sept. 16 at the Freeborn Legion hall.

Anderson reminded members about the Freeborn Legion’s fish fry May 27. Serving started at 5 p.m. and included fish, a baked potato, coleslaw, a bun and a beverage. She also mentioned the wine tasting event on June 24 at Cobb Creek Vineyard. On July 8, the annual tee Up for Campers Golf tournament at Oak View Golf Course in Freeborn will take place.

With no other business, the meeting was adjourned.

Duplicate Bridge Club

Duplicate Bridge Club played at 12:30 p.m. May 23 at the Senior Center in Austin.

Winners were Barb Engebretson and Orrin Roisen, first place; Loren Cleland and Dave Ring, second place; Gail and Ray Schmidt, third place; Gene Muchow and Ron Peters, fourth place; Jim Fisher and Bud Higgins, fifth place; Barb Rofshus and Lorraine Quinlivan, sixth place; and Judy Bungum and Dave Solomonson, seventh place.

Duplicate Bridge played at noon May 24 at the Senior Center in Austin.

Winners for the north/ south division were Barb Engebretson and Gene Muchow, first place; Stan Schultz and Dave Funkhauser, second place; and Loren Cleland and Bud Higgins, third place. Winners for the east/west divi- sion were Dave Ring and Orrin Roisen, first place;

Gail and Ray Schmidt, second place; and Bonnie Fritz and Romelle Enderson, third place.

Players came from adams, austin, Albert Lea, Northwood, Rose Creek and Mason City,. all bridge players are welcome, and can call 507-437-2370 if they wish to play and need a partner.