Letter: Overhaul should include more understanding

Published 10:44 pm Friday, July 21, 2017

Imagine if we, in Minnesota, were never able to understand words like uffda, gesundheit, or Erin Go Braugh. I write this feeling lucky that my immigrant relatives and neighbors had lines to get into that allowed them to enter America in the 1800s. Did some who entered here struggle and receive help? Yes. Were they all perfect? No. Sadly, some who entered did not work, caused gang violence in cities, and clashed amongst many when settling the West (the treatment of our Native Americans is very shameful).

Did their relatives, who stayed back in their home countries, cause world violence? Yes. The horrors of World War I and World War II are examples. Did the first generation automatically assimilate to our language, dress and customs overnight? No. It took time, but thankfully they were given time, opportunity and understanding to do so, even with all the negative actions happening in America and across the globe then. Does today’s immigration system need an overhaul? Yes. Included in the overhaul should be more entry opportunities and more understanding, like our ancestors had when they arrived. Just think, if some of today’s mindset on immigration were true when our ancestors came over, we would not have the Mayo Clinic, SPAM Museum, Gustavus Adolphus College, a robust economy that produces $255-plus billion annually or an agricultural industry that cultivates 25 million acres yearly.

John Austinson

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