Letter: Support Chapel Con a second year

Published 9:49 pm Thursday, July 27, 2017

I invite the community in thanking Gilbert Johnson Jr., owner of Chapel Comics in downtown Albert Lea, and Randy Harig one more time for the event they put on last weekend at City Arena.

Gilbert and Randy are a couple of very selfless and humble men. The amount of time and financial risk they took to put on Albert Lea’s first ever Chapel Con — a comic and entertainment convention — better known as Comic Con in other cities — is unbelievable.

For those who are still unfamiliar with what happened last weekend, they brought Lou Ferrigno (the Hulk), Eugene Clark (Land of the Dead), Melissa Cowan (the Walking Dead), Steve Cardenas (Red Power Ranger), David Faustino (Bud Bundy), RJ Mitte (Walter Flynn White Jr.), Ming Chen and Mike Zapcic (Comic Book Men), and Sonny Onoo, Perry Saturn, Nora (Molly Holly) Greenwald and Shawn Daivari from the wrestling world, in addition to famous artists and cosplay players to little ol’ Albert Lea.

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Whoa. How awesome is that?

I commend these two men, who despite the costs it took to make Chapel Con happen, pressed on because people’s happiness rates higher than making money.

Like any gathering in its first year, there are kinks to work out, but it is my hope that Chapel Con sees a second year in Albert Lea. I also hope that more businesses and community members and leaders will support the event just as selflessly as these two men.

To all the businesses and individuals who contributed financially, by volunteering time and/or were in attendance this weekend, give yourself a pat on the back. It takes a village to pull something like this off, and your support of Gilbert and Randy’s endeavor does not go unnoticed.

To all of the businesses and community members and leaders that chose not to be involved: I hope you think twice next year. Rumor has it that every hotel in Albert Lea, Austin and Owatonna were full last weekend. It’s a shame you were able to draw business from an event you had no interest in supporting — financially or time-wise.

Brandi Hagen

Bragen Rights Photography