Court Dispositions: Sept. 26-28, 2017

Published 9:55 pm Thursday, October 26, 2017

Freeborn County

District Court

Sept. 26

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Erik Lee Anderson, 28, 716 Lincoln Ave. Count 1: Driving after revocation. Fees $280.

Juan C. Garduno Martinez, 50, 5180 W. 91st St., Oak Lawn, Illinois. Count 1: Speeding 93/70. Fees $220.

Arnold Ray McMann, 59, 2322 Ave. D, Fort Madison, Iowa. Count 1: Failure to obey a traffic control device. Fees $130. Count 2: Commercial motor vehicle – record of duty status not current. Fees $50.

Sept. 27

Theresa Mae Book, 32, 140 Second Ave. SE, Glenville. Count 1: Driver must carry proof of insurance when operating a motor vehicle. Fees $280.

Israel Gomez Morales, 30, 4550 Polk St., Columbia Heights. Count 1: Speeding 92/70. Fees $220. Count 2: No Minnesota driver’s license. Fees $100.

Sept. 28

Justin Bryan Bolland, 36, 1302 Clark St. Count 1: Gross misdemeanor criminal vehicular operation – bodily harm – under influence of alcohol. Dismissed. Count 2: Second-degree driving a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol. Sentenced to 365 days. Stay 335 days for four years. Credit for time served two days. Supervised probation for four years. Fees $405.

Wesley John Brandt, 29, 1839 Bayview Drive. Count 1: Fifth-degree possession of a controlled substance. Sentenced to 365 days. Stay 363 days for two years. Credit for time served two days. Sentenced to 11 days of community service. Count 2: Domestic assault. Sentenced to 90 days. Stay 88 days for two years. Credit or time served two days. Supervised probation for two years. Sentenced to four days of community service. Fees $130.

Cody Lee Hanson, 30, 1215 Frank Ave. Count 1: First-degree criminal damage to property. Dismissed. Count 2: Fifth-degree possession of methamphetamine. Sentenced to 58 days. Credit for time served 58 days. Supervised probation for two years. Sentenced to 10 days of community service. Fees $75. Charge to be dismissed upon completion of sentence.

Robert Leal, 44, 903 Bridge Ave. Unit 1. Count 1: DWI – alcohol concentration .08 or more within two hours. Sentenced to 180 days. Stay 179 days for two years. Credit for time served one day. Supervised probation for two years. Fees $605. Count 2: DWI. Dismissed.

Roger Melvin Petzel, 65, 10535 Oliver Ave. NW, South Haven. Count 1: Patron – prostitution in a public place. Sentenced to 180 days. Stay 179 days for two years. Credit for time served one day. Supervised probation for two years. Sentenced to 20 hours of community service. Fees $1,580.

Peter Alan Wollard, 38, no address listed. Count 1: Fifth-degree possession – not a small amount of marijuana. Sentenced to 36 days. Credit for time served 36 days. Supervised probation for five years. Fees $730. Charge to be dismissed upon completion of sentence. Count 2: Obstructing arrest or legal process. Sentenced to 36 days. Credit for time served 36 days.

Pierce August Gelhaus, 19, 18534 370th St., Forest City, Iowa. Count 1: Underage consumption. Fees $180.

The Tribune publishes all convictions where the financial obligation to the court is $180 or greater or resulted in jail time, probation or community service.