
Published 9:00 am Saturday, January 27, 2018

First Lutheran Church Women

First Lutheran Church Women met at 1:30 p.m. Dec. 13 in Bethany Hall with President Jo Hanson presiding. Joan Holt provided the prelude music.

Hanson welcomed members and guests. As a group, the First Lutheran Church Women’s statement was read. Hazel Senske gave the devotions based on Luke 2. God is love and man is divine. She said members should live in Christmas always and every day.

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Installation of the 2018 officers was administered by Holt.

Hanson introduced the Rev. Sean Forde, the program’s speaker. He shared with the group Christmas’ meaning when it comes to ancient traditions — background on the meaning of the holly, why red is a color of Christmas, the Yule Log, Christmas pie, St. Nicholas, evergreen trees, candles, mistletoe, bells, gifts and how the practice of sending Christmas cards began.

Christmas Eve is a time when Christians remember that Christ came in the darkest night of Earth’s need to be the light of the world. On Dec. 25, Christians celebrate Christ, the light of the world, and his triumph over the night of sin.

Letting children physically play with the Nativity figures is a good way for them to better understand the birth of baby Jesus. Traditions of Trinidad were shared from his ancestral background. Boxing Day in Trinidad is a day of painting homes, working on the lawns and making over, so things are made new.

In closing, he said to remember not to lose the spiritual depth of Christmas because of worldly association, don’t miss the spiritual delight of Christmas because of commercial association and don’t forget the spiritual despair of the world because Christmas is a season of joy, wonder and helping those in need.

Hanson then called the business meeting to order. The secretary’s report was approved with a motion by Bonnie Schneider and seconded by Senske. Motion carried. Cindy Gandrud presented the treasurer’s report. Not all the funds have been collected from Holidays Ahead,  so she will give a full report at the January meeting.

Herberger’s Community Days coupon booklets netted $215 tentatively. Bonnie Trampel, corresponding secretary, reported that posters were received on Earl Thompson’s Nepal Social Service Fund. An annual report was received from the Plymouth Christian Youth Center in Minneapolis and a newsletter from Global Health Ministries.

A request for monetary support was received from the Evangelical Lutheran Church Association. Good Earth Village sent a note of thanks for the $50 contribution.

Diane Damerow encouraged members to seriously consider giving Scrip gift cards for the Christmas season.

Shirley Strand asked how the circles did with their donated baskets individually. The baskets sales are not tracked separately; only a total of all the baskets sold according to Gandrud, treasurer. The donated cost of the baskets is the total of the items that were in each basket.

The Prayer chains are in need of more persons, so those who are interested should contact Hanson or Julia Tonder. At the meeting, members discovered who their prayer partner has been through 2017 and drew for prayer partners for 2018.

The group discussed the August First Lutheran Church Women general meeting, as attendance at past August meeting was down. The group hoped to bring some new attendees by having the meeting at 7 p.m., rather than an afternoon meeting. The group decided to revisit the issue in August. There was no vote taken.

The group sang the Christmas hymn “Away in the Manger” during the offering. Senske gave the offertory prayer asking members to honor the Lord by remembering to give to those in need at this season of giving.

Hanson thanked ushers Sandy Narverud and Dee Westrum; greeters Tep Christiansen and Joyce Johnson; hostesses Neva Mathison and her committee of Betty Ball, Judy Kropp, Donna Ludtke, Sheri Nicol and Carol Olson.

Caring and Sharing Co-Chairwomen Carol Colstrup and Pamela Slette and their committee served two funerals in November.

The meeting closed with a prayer written by Billy Graham and the Lord’s Prayer.

The table prayer was sung.