Sarah Stultz: Remember, you can make goals all year long
Published 7:30 pm Monday, January 1, 2018
Nose for News by Sarah Stultz
Probably similar to most of you, I have always thought that the beginning of a new year is a great time to reflect on the good and the bad in life and how I can improve in one fashion or another.
I sit down every year at the end of December or beginning of January and reflect on the last year.
What things went well? What things went horribly? And what can be done to improve?
I won’t be the first person to say that I didn’t reach all of the goals I resolved to do at the beginning of last year, but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t trying and didn’t learn in the meantime.
I’m beginning to learn that some goals don’t come as quickly as a person might like, but as long as I’m moving in the right direction, that’s what is most important.
I’m also striving to remember that the beginning of a new year isn’t the only time you can make major goals in life. You don’t have to wait until each new year to make positive changes; you can make goals all year long.
So how can we set ourselves up for success in reaching our goals, no matter what time of year it is?
I’ve heard many people talk about goal-setting, and I think it’s important to be specific in setting goals and remembering to set goals that are attainable.
Instead of saying, “I will go to the gym more this year,” say “I will go to the gym three days a week.”
I’ve also heard many people talk about the importance of writing down your goals.
I have found that there is something in the physical action of writing down my goals that makes them seem more real to me and something I am more serious about.
Something I have found that also works for me is to divide up my large goals into multiple smaller goals that I can achieve along the way. Smaller goals are less daunting and can help keep you motivated.
What are your goals for this year — or maybe instead for the next few months?
I wish you all a happy and healthy 2018!
Sarah Stultz is the managing editor of the Tribune. Her column appears every Tuesday.