Letter: Commissioners need term limits

Published 8:55 pm Thursday, March 8, 2018

Term limits are very important at every level of government, including the local level. Currently, our Freeborn County commissioners do not have term limits. Our founding fathers did not intend for career politicians. This includes local government.

Most of us recognize term limits as an organizational tool that helps curb the potential misuse of power. Term limits also help eliminate stagnation and ineffective leadership. Furthermore, we are all gifted with different skill sets; as leadership is rotated or changed, different people are able to bring different skill sets to the table — this brings forth fresh, innovative ideas or perspectives. New blood flows through the veins of the organization — and the result? Inspiration and growth.

Why Freeborn County commissioners need term limits?

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• Term limits help eliminate stagnation.

• Rotation of leadership is critical to any organization. Public or private sector.

• Different people have different skill sets.

• Fresh, new, innovative ideas.

• Potentially better paths can be taken and positive change can result.

• Ideally, we would have a “balanced” board.

• Expect accountability and transparency

• Term limits help stop self-serving interests.

• Think of diversity as diverse thoughts, talents, skills and innovations. This is what drives successful governments and organizations.

• Focus on the best person for the county seat, the best person to head a local organization.

Freeborn County needs term limits at the commissioner level.

Sue Tasker
