Letter: Thanks for help finding purse
Published 7:30 pm Sunday, March 18, 2018
One day in the month of March I was shopping at Hy-Vee. I left the store, pushed my grocery cart to my car, emptied my groceries in my car, pushed the cart in the bin and didn’t realize, but I had left my purse in the cart by mistake. I left Hy-Vee and seconds later, I realized I didn’t have my purse, and I was back at Hy-Vee looking all over Hy-Vee carts and in the store. I didn’t know at the time I had left my purse in a cart, and with the help of Hy-Vee and the police department, they were able to find and get my purse back with all my belongings in it. Without extra help from Officer Conn, I wouldn’t have it. What a great relief. Lesson to be learned: Always hold on to your belongings.
Barb Wood
Albert Lea