Chuck Anderson: Alden baseball defeated Glenville 50 years ago
Published 8:52 pm Friday, April 13, 2018
Sports Memories by Chuck Anderson
50 years ago: 1968
•The Alden High School baseball team defeated the Glenville Trojans, 4-3. Al Lindeman threw a five-hitter for the Blackhawks.
•The New Richland track and field team defeated LeCenter, 75 – 44 1/2. The Cardinals were led by David Casper with first place in the high jump, the 60-yard high hurdles and the 60-yard low hurdles. David Laine ran the two mile run and David Lyndgaard won the mile run for New Richland.
•Larry Weiler won the 100-yard and 200-yard dashes for the Albert Lea High School track team in its 90 1/2 – 37 1/2 victory over Fairmont.
•The Minnesota Twins defeated the New York Yankees 4-3 and started their season with a 4-0 record. Harmon Killebrew tripled and Bob Allison hit 2 doubles for the Twins.
25 years ago: 1993
•Howie Melom, in his 14th year as the ALHS head track and field, greeted 14 returning letter winners at the start of practice. The returning letter winners were Dan Hebert, Troy Irvine, Tony Luna, Jake Christenson, Dusty Gonzales, Jay Schmidt, Jon Neitzel, Ryan Hall, Loren Sorenson, Bruce Molskness, Keith Bolinger, Scott Conn, Mike Zeman and Adam Conn.
•The ALHS girls’ softball 1993 co-captains were Julie Mullenbach and Julie Jensen. Jane Hanson started her sixth season as the head coach.
10 years ago: 2008
•A.J. Appel, Alex Frandt and Casey Tiedman were three returning letter winners for coach Lyle Thompson’s Lake Mills boys’ golf team. The Bulldogs had a 9-2 record for the 2007 season.
•The Conger-Bear Lake team won the 2007/08 Brotherhood Dartball League playoff title. The batting average leaders were Lowell Doppelhammer (.725) of Ascension, Steve Olson (.719) of Trinity Lutheran and Scott Pirsig (.715) of First Lutheran.
•Named the Albert Lea Tribune basketball Coach of the Year was Brian Riley of NRHEG and the Basketball Player of the Year was Steve Hengestag of the Lake Mills Bulldogs. Named to the first team were Hengesteg, Paul Little from Alden-Conger, Sam Hallman from A-C, Brad Kruckeberg from NRHEG and Trevor Davidson from Northwood – Kensett.