My Point of View: Get a jumpstart on researching candidates
Published 8:28 pm Monday, February 25, 2019
My Point of View by Robin Brown
Is it too soon to think about the Nov. 3, 2020, general election? I don’t believe so. With 616 days between today and the election, there is much to do in preparation — both for the voters and the candidates.
Today (and the months that follow) is the best time to get to know the candidates, their areas of expertise and the issues they are fighting for. Now, before the crowds are too big to shake a candidate’s hand and look them in the eye as they answer your questions. Now, while incumbents are doing the real work of legislation and constituent service — this is the time we should be paying close attention.
On Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2020, we will again have the opportunity to vote for District 27A House representative, District 27 senator, U.S. congressperson, U.S. senator and U.S. president.
The race for District 27A is of particular interest because it is local, it promises to be competitive and because most of the constituents will personally know one or both of the candidates. My hope is that our current representative writes and passes legislation that reflects the values of our rural community as well as the state of Minnesota.
A recent photograph and article in the Star Tribune titled “GOP legislators jump into abortion fray,” was a reminder that the issue of life and choice (notice I didn’t say life or choice) is still on the hearts and minds of many. Rep. Bennett was in the photo and spoke at the rally. I don’t choose to debate abortion, but suggest we might find common ground as we create policy that values babies, children, parents, families and extended families. There is so much more work we could do to support parents, which, in turn, would support children.
In the political debates, columns, letters to the editor and constituent conversations during the last election cycle, the District 27A community participated in open discussions about important issues. The community expressed their need for affordable, quality child care, jobs that support a family, affordable and locally available health care, comprehensive education that will prepare children and adults for the jobs of the future, senior care, strong infrastructure and a healthy environment — to mention a few.
In the next 616 days, it is our responsibility to know whether or not our representative is working hard to create policy that values our community. Rep. Bennett told us during the campaign that, after two terms in office, she now has the connections and understanding to get the work done for District 27A. Let’s hope that is true. But let’s also hold her accountable. Keep informed through the Minnesota House of Representatives website, where you can look up bills she has chief authored, committees on which she is serving and votes she has taken. The website is highly acclaimed and is a good source of information when strictly looking for the facts.
Another race taking place close to home is the race for U.S. president. Since Iowa’s caucuses are first-in-the-nation, presidential candidates are already flocking to Mason City — just a short drive away. This is one of the best and most intimate opportunities to meet each of the candidates, look them in the eye, shake their hand, ask a question and take a selfie with them.
Democrats who have announced their candidacy include: Cory Booker, Pete Buttigieg, Julian Castro, John Delaney, Tulsi Gabbard, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Marianne Williamson and Andrew Yang. Of course, others are likely to join the race in the weeks to come: John Hickenlooper, Joseph Biden and Steve Bullock.
Each candidate has background information, position papers, interviews, etc. available online. It’s relatively easy to get the information you need to make an informed decision before you cast that ballot. Still, I like to personally meet each candidate before I make my final decision. The experience makes me feel more connected to the political process.
So, invite a couple of friends and share a 40-minute drive to meet the candidates for president. I think you’ll find it is time well spent. And, after all, the election is only 616 days away.
Former District 27A Rep. Robin Brown lives in Moscow Township.