Keeping MNsure account up-to-date important year-round

Published 6:51 pm Monday, March 25, 2019

MNsure reminds Minnesotans to report changes to their household information outside of open enrollment to ensure their plan and any financial assistance is up-to-date and accurate, according to a press release. Job or income changes, marriage or a new address are common household changes that can affect health plan eligibility and tax credit amount.

Depending on the change reported, Minnesotans may qualify for a special enrollment period, allowing them to change their plan, while other changes may affect the amount of tax credits they receive or the coverage that is available to them. Minnesotans who do not report their household changes to MNsure are at risk of missing out on available financial assistance or having to repay tax credits during tax time, the release states.

MNsure has created a variety of videos to help Minnesotans understand how certain qualifying life events can make them eligible for special enrollment. Generally, Minnesotans have up to 60 days following the qualifying life event to enroll in a plan.

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Those who qualify for a public health care program or are a member of a federally recognized tribe can enroll year-round.