Letter: What’s going on at the Capitol?

Published 8:16 pm Tuesday, March 19, 2019

People have asked what is going on at the Capitol. Allow me to inform you what has been happening in a few areas.

It is clear that there is maneuvering when it comes to getting a bill passed. As the Republicans control the Senate, there is almost no compromise so the Democrats needed a different direction when the focus was changed when it came to health care costs. The Democrats had a better plan, but they couldn’t get a hearing. The issue? Big money. That shouldn’t be confusing to understand as someone said. 

Speaking of the Senate, despite the fact the 80 to 90 percent of people in Minnesota want common-sense gun laws passed, the Republicans refused to listen to the people.  These bills aren’t designed to take care of all the issues with gun violence.  It is a step and also designed to help with the current suicide rate in Minnesota that is alarming. I feel for the people who are either unhappy or stressed out. Quite often, other people have made life rough for these people. 

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Nursing home abuse is a problem. The Republicans say that it is rare when it happens.  In 2019 alone, there were 22,500 complaints against nursing homes. Rare? I don’t think so. It’s an epidemic.

This isn’t to say that all facilities are bad. It does show,  however, that there is a huge problem when it comes to elder care in Minnesota. 

The plan that was vetoed by Gov. Dayton last year was actually worse than what was already on the books. Despite that, the Republicans ripped Dayton when they were writing their weekly updates.

There was a bill that failed to move on this past week in the Senate by the Republicans. Thankfully, a couple of them came to their senses.  The bill would have allowed hospitals, clinics, etc., to sell your Social Security number, health care information, the drugs you use, etc., for a profit. The state chamber and other business groups supported this as a way for businesses to make money. This is a problem on the federal level also that needs to be overturned where your private information can be sold by financial companies, including your Social Security information. I’ve been a victim of this.

Texting and driving is a Second Amendment right according to some Republicans. To me this is a common-sense issue. We’ll see if we can deal with this problem or if the Second Amendment right continues to be an issue to eliminate more crashes and deaths in some of these cases.

Looking for a good educational book to read as to what is going on with the EPA? Try “The Fifth Risk” by Michael Lewis that is available at the Albert Lea Public Library. Easy read by the way. 

Paul Tuveson
