Funds go to emergency food, shelter programs

Published 7:15 pm Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Minnesota State Set-Aside Committee for the Emergency Food and Shelter Program has awarded $4,444 to Freeborn County for Phase 36. The federal funds are awarded through the Department of Homeland Security-FEMA and are used to provide emergency food and shelter to people in need of them. The local board is made up of the local food shelf, churches, Semcac, social services, the Salvation Army and other interested organizations. The local board determines how the funds are to be distributed among emergency food and shelter programs run by local service organizations in the area. Under the terms of the grant from the national board, local governmental or private voluntary organizations chosen to receive must:

Be a nonprofit

Have a checking account and accounting system

Email newsletter signup

Practice nondiscrimination

Have demonstrated the capacity to deliver emergency food and/or shelter programs.

Have a voluntary board if private, not-for-profit

Qualifying organizations may apply by Aug. 20.

Anyone who would like more information about the Emergency Food and Shelter Program and how to apply for funding should contact Linda Lares at Semcac, call 507-373-1329 or visit 2202 Stevens St. in Albert Lea.