Editorial: Be courteous in snow removal

Published 8:53 pm Monday, December 9, 2019

With more snowstorms inevitable over the next few months, it’s a good time to remind people to be diligent in clearing your sidewalks, not only for your safety, but also for the safety of letter carriers and others who have to use sidewalks on a regular basis.

Most people will say if you keep on top of snow removal from the first snowstorm, it will make it easier for you to remove snow from future storms and it won’t get as compacted down and turn to ice.

Also keep in mind it is against the law to remove snow or ice from your property and place it onto a public street or sidewalk.  People should place removed snow in a place that doesn’t alter the view of motorists.

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It’s only the beginning of winter — and we’re likely going to get several more snowstorms — so get into the habit of being courteous with your sidewalks all winter long.