Freeborn County commissioners approve tax levy increase

Published 8:49 pm Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Freeborn County Board of Commissioners on Tuesday approved a 5.9% increase in the county’s 2020 tax levy.

The vote, which increases the county’s levy to $24.69 million, passed 4-1 with 2nd District Commissioner Dan Belshan voting against.

The levy is the same as the preliminary levy approved by the board in September.

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During the board meeting, commissioners were presented with an option of whether to approve a 4.9% levy increase, which Administrator Tom Jensen said would keep things at “status quo,” or a 5.9% levy increase, which would place about $280,000 into reserves to replenish unexpected expenses the county has been expected to pay for at the state level. Commissioners ultimately went with the higher of the two options.

“As much as I hate to have to do this, we do need to put more money into reserves,” 5th District Commissioner Mike Lee said, noting he wished the state would take responsibility for its own mistakes instead of relying on counties.

Other parts of the levy increase will support the road and bridge fund, increases in the human services and public health departments and in public safety, Jensen said. He said each year there are also increases for cost of living, salaries and insurance and noted there were more people who signed on to the county’s insurance this year, which ultimately costs the county more, as well.

The board set total expenditures for 2020 at $60.2 million.

Jensen noted less than half of the total budget comes from local dollars, while the remainder comes from county state aid, grants and other funds.

In other action, the board:

• Went into closed session to discuss allegations or charges against ditch inspector Winston Beiser. 

• Appointed Dave Vanderploeg to the Turtle Creek Watershed Board.

He was the only applicant.

• Approved repairs to the drainage system.

• Approved a conditional use permit for a cabin for Dale and Martha Christensen on the eastern shoreline of Freeborn Lake.

• Placed Veterans Service Officer Brandon Servantez on regular full-time status.

• Accepted the resignation of Christie Dallman, a Department of Human Services adult protection social worker, and voted to refill that position.

• Voted to fill a support staff vacancy within the highway department.

• Approved an employment contract with Waylon Welvaert for the open DHS accounting supervisor position. Welvaert previously worked for the state auditor’s office.

• Approved the final payment for the county’s annual striping contract in the amount of about $8,000.

• Approved the final payment to Ulland Bros. for about $571,000 for paving projects on various county roads this summer.

• Designated Public Health Director Sue Yost as the county’s representative to the Freeborn County Human Services Collaborative board of directors.

• Renewed a Minnesota Department of Public Safety grant agreement with the Freeborn County Crime Victims Crisis Center.

• Renewed the contract with Cindy Golbuff for transportation services in 2020.

• Set the first board meeting for 2020 for 8:30 a.m. Jan. 7.