Letter: Feehan dodging the tough issues
Published 8:42 pm Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Outside of voting to send men and women to war, the most sacred and solemn vote that can be taken in the House of Representatives is whether to overturn the will of the people and impeach a duly elected president.
While the media has repeatedly asked Rep. Hagedorn for his position on impeachment, they seem surprisingly uninterested in Dan Feehan’s thoughts on impeachment.
As befitting one who leads and has the courage of his convictions, Rep. Hagedorn has repeatedly stated that there’s absolutely no “there” there and he will oppose this partisan, wholly-lacking in due process, attempt to overturn the results of the last election.
Dan, on the other hand, fashions himself as a leader but has apparently decided leadership doesn’t include informing the people you wish to represent your position on this gravest of issues. My guess would be that’s because Trump received 180,000 votes in this district while winning by 15% of the vote.
That’s not leadership. That’s political opportunism.
I appreciate an elected representative who is strong enough in his convictions to unabashedly state his beliefs on something as weighty as impeachment while caring enough about the people he serves to still work on matters like prescription drug pricing and ethanol waivers and trade deals with the very people he thinks are wrongly trying to overturn the last election.
I’m not interested in trading Rep. Hagedorn’s leadership for someone whose idea of political leadership is to mouth meaningless platitudes about “getting along” while totally ducking the tough issues that come with the job. Because there isn’t a “maybe” button on the floor of the House.
Christine Green