Letter: Hagedorn gets things done

Published 9:02 pm Thursday, January 16, 2020

I would like to commend Rep. Hagedorn for voting to permanently repeal two of the most destructive taxes imposed by the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare).

The so-called “Cadillac tax” penalizes union members (among others) by taxing their health care plan if it is deemed to be “too generous.” Unions acquired these benefits through hard-fought negotiations and often gave up pay increases to obtain them. To penalize them for doing so would be simply unacceptable, and I thank Mr. Hagedorn for co-sponsoring legislation and then voting to permanently repeal this tax.

He also co-sponsored legislation and then voted to repeal the medical device tax. Medical device manufacturers, many of which are in Minnesota, operate on very thin profit margins. Taxing these manufacturers would likely result in new products not being developed and made available to patients (which is something to remember when politicians make simplistic claims about raising taxes and increasing government control of health care: Drugs, devices and health care can’t be affordable if they’re not available).

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I applaud Rep. Hagedorn’s decision to join with both Democrats and Republicans to repeal these taxes. It speaks well of his willingness and ability to go beyond the rhetoric coming out of Washington and get important things done for the folks back home.

Sherri McCarty
