New water tower to be built at existing site
Published 10:43 pm Monday, January 13, 2020
Spheroid design is selected
Albert Lea’s new central water tower will be constructed near the site of the existing tower at the intersection of Newton Avenue and Fountain Street.
After consideration of multiple sites and three designs, the Albert Lea City Council voted 7-0 Monday to move forward with an agreement with firm Bolton & Menk Inc. for professional engineering services for the project.
The one-million gallon tower will be a spheroid design, which includes a sphere-shaped steel tank on a narrow steel base.
Albert Lea Public Works Director Steven Jahnke said during the workshop before the council meeting that the spheroid design received the most support via social media, with 253 people voting for that design compared to 91 for the composite design and 79 for the hydropillar design. The composite design is made of a concrete base and a steel tank, and the hydropillar design is made of all steel and is the most expensive of the options.
At a community meeting in November about the tower options, the spheroid design was also the most popular by attendees, though only by one vote.
Officials previously stated both the composite and spheroid designs would be between $4.2 million and $5.7 million, including the cost of the tower itself, along with demolition of the old tower, piping, miscellaneous site work, engineering and other costs. The cost to maintain the composite design is cheapest because its concrete base would not need to be painted.
Jahnke on Monday estimated paint to be an estimated $50,000 to $100,000 every 20 years. Over the 80-year life of the tank, that could equate to $400,000.
The city has one spheroid water tower already in existence on the east side of Albert Lea near Home Depot, said Assistant Public Works Director Phil Wacholz. The tank for the new tower would need to be twice that size.
Regarding the location, Jahnke said attendees at the public meeting in November gave highest support to the existing location with the Blazing Star Landing in second place. A question asking people their preference about the location was not asked on social media.
Jahnke said building the tower at the existing site would require minimal piping modifications but would equate to about 20 less parking stalls and the closure of the entire lot for four to six months. Another downfall is that some do not think lakefront property is appropriate for a water tower.
Third Ward Councilor Jason Howland also questioned whether any developers have reached out to the city about possible interest in the space where the current water tower is, and Albert Lea City Manager David Todd said there had not.
A tower in the northwest corner of the Blazing Star site would not affect downtown parking and would have good visibility for people driving on Main Street. Jahnke said it would have minimal impact on the site for future development but would require a connection across the property to the water main.
Jahnke said both sites were feasible for engineering staff, are centrally located and would be similar in cost. He noted city staff looked into a possible site north of the new fire station, but there was concern by Freeborn County leaders about giving up potential parking space and concern about interference with antennas.
Todd said when speaking at various service clubs in recent weeks, people showed most support for leaving the tower at the existing site and making it the spheroid design.
Howland asked about the concern that was raised during the public meeting about placing the tower near the city’s historic district.
Todd said the tower would be outside of the historic district, so it should not have to follow certain design standards.
The council agreed to pay Bolton & Menk about $189,000 for design, bidding and construction management services for demolition and replacement of the existing tank.
Plans must be submitted to the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority in March for approval.
Look to the Wednesday Tribune for more from the Monday meeting.