The Albert Lea girls' tennis team recently held its postseason banquet to hand out team awards and letters. Pictured in the back row, from left are letter winners, Emma Barclay, Dominica Eckstrom, Steph Vogt, Rachel Doppelhammer, Bree Weilage and Alli Dulitz. In front, from left, are Marissa Hanson, Shelby Hanson, Hannah Conn, Alyssa Jensen, Hannah Willner and manager Alex Olson. - Provided
From left, Dominica Eckstrom, Alli Dulitz and Hannah Conn, were each named to the Academic All-State team and the Big Nine Conference Honor Roll. Provided
Ashlyn Berven, left, was named the junior varsity best at the net. Alyssa Jensen was given the varsity award for best at the net. Provided
Bree Weilage, left, and Emma Barclay were named the most improved on the varsity and junior varsity teams, respectively. Provided
Rachel Doppelhammer was awarded the plaque for the varsity hustle award. Provided
Nevaeh Wacholz was named the junior varsity hustle award winner. Provided