Court Dispositions: Oct. 27-29, 2020
Published 8:17 pm Friday, October 30, 2020
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Freeborn County
District Court
Oct. 27
Matt William Bass, 34, 509 Wedgewood Road, Albert Lea. Count 1: Driver’s license – driving without a valid license for vehicle class or type. Fees $180.
Caleb Garrett Gaard, 18, 535 Green Ave., Albert Lea. Count 1: Liquor – consumption by persons under 21. Fees $180.
Mark Donald Decker, 67, 507 Fourth St. E., Albert Lea. Count 1: Traffic – driver’s license – driving after revocation. Fees $280.
Adalberto Ortiz-feria, 23, 604 Water St., Albert Lea. Count 1: Traffic regulation – uninsured vehicle – owner violation. Fees $280. Count 2: Driver’s license – driving without a valid license for vehicle class or type. Fees $100. Count 3: Traffic – speeding – exceed limit of 30 mph – urban district 45/30. Fees $60.
Oct. 28
Jeffrey John Ehlenz, 57, 821 Maplehill Drive No. 201, Albert Lea. Count 1: Traffic – DWI – operate motor vehicle – alcohol concentration 0.08 within two hours. Local confinement 180 days, stay 179 days for four years, credit for time served one day. Supervised probation four years. Fees $605. Count 2: Traffic – DWI – operate motor vehicle under influence of alcohol. Dismissed. Count 3: Traffic – open bottle law; possession. Dismissed.
Guillermina Garcia, 48, 766 4 Ave. SW, Wells. Count 1: Driver’s license – driving without a valid license for vehicle class or type. Fees $180. Count 2: Traffic regulation – child passenger restraint system – not equipped or installed. Fees $50.
Cody Scott Hanna, 37, 2235 210th Ave., Truman. Count 1: Traffic – DWI – refuse to submit to chemical test; blood or urine as required by search warrant. Local confinement 180 days, stay 177 days for two years, credit for time served three days. Supervised probation two years. Fees $1,005. Count 2: Traffic – DWI – operate motor vehicle under influence of alcohol. Dismissed. Count 3: Traffic – driver’s license – driving after revocation. Dismissed.
Joshua Warren Reigh Saffen, 23, 1422 Lee Ave., Albert Lea. Count 1: Disorderly conduct – brawling or fighting. Stay of adjudication, continued. Probation – adult unsupervised monitoring without adjudication one year. Fees $75.
Omar Talan Wood, 18, 1194 Matilda St., St. Paul. Count 1: Traffic regulation – uninsured vehicle – owner violation. Local confinement 30 days, stay 30 days for one year. Unsupervised probation one year. Fees $390. Count 2: Traffic collision – failure to notify owner of damaged property. Local confinement 30 days, stay 30 days for one year. Unsupervised probation one year. Fees $390.
Shawn D Haupage, 28, 7715 Cambridge St. Unit 801, Houston, Texas. Count 1: Traffic regulation – uninsured vehicle – owner violation. Stay of adjudication, continued. Probation – adult unsupervised monitoring without adjudication one year. Diversion program – adult other diversion program one year. Fees $75.
Judy Ann Meyer, 38, 4310 10th Ave. S. Apartment 206, Fargo, North Dakota. Count 1: Driver’s license – driving after suspension. Fees $280.
Pedro Andres Olvera, 46, 203 2 St. W., Hayward. Count 1: Assault – 5th degree – misdemeanor. Dismissed. Count 2: Domestic assault – misdemeanor – commits act to cause fear of immediate bodily harm or death. Local confinement 90 days, stay 89 days for two years, credit for time served one day. Supervised probation two years. Fees $380.
Savanna Patrice Echols, 21, 1513 10th Ave. SE, Rochester. Count 1: No insurance owner. Fees $280.
Andrew James Lee Jr., 52, 5285 Pondview Lane, Big Lake. Count 1: Over legal tandem axle weight. Fees $780.
Elvia Reyna, 47, 724 S. Galbraith, Blue Earth. Count 1: Illegal possession of a legend drug. Local confinement 30 days, stay 30 days for one year. Unsupervised probation one year. Fees $180.
Oct. 29
Nikki Rae Gesme, 40, 35525 Xenon St., New Princeton. Count 1: 2nd degree assault with a dangerous weapon (felony). Dismissed. Count 2: Possession of a controlled substance, 5th degree (felony). Stay of imposition pursuant to M.S. 609.135. Supervised probation one year. Fees $130. Service – adult sentence to service 40 hours for indeterminate. Count 3: Domestic assault (misdemeanor). Dismissed.
Justin Martin Kruger, 36, 204 Ash St., Thorton, Iowa. Count 1: Felony theft. Stay of imposition pursuant to M.S. 609.135. Supervised probation one year. Fees including restitution $1,392.86.
Cassandra Ann Vander Woude, 42, 500 11th St. NE, Austin. Count 1: Theft – take/use/transfer movable property – no consent. Fees $130. Local confinement 90 days, credit for time served 90 days.
Karla Lizbeth Obregon, 18, 213 Main St. E., Albert Lea. Count 1: Traffic – driver’s license – driving after suspension. Fees $280. Count 2: Traffic regulation – vehicle lighting; lights to be displayed sunset-sunrise. Fees $40.
Micah Hildon Ogren, 28, 1604 W. Richway Drive, Albert Lea. Count 1: Third degree gross misdemeanor DWI – driving while impaired; refuse to submit to chem. Local confinement 180 days, stay 177 days for two years, credit for time served three days. Supervised probation two years. Fees $605.
Ryan Robert Arbuckle Sr., 42, 211 W. Main St., Clarks Grove. Count 1: Unlawful gambling expenditures (felony). Dismissed. Count 2: Unlawful gambling expenditure (gross misdemeanor). Local confinement 365 days, stay 365 days for two years. Fees including restitution $6,514.18. Service – adult sentence to service five days for indeterminate. Supervised probation one year.
Cody Robert Ripka, 25, 7537 SW 32nd Ave., Owatonna. Count 1: Hunting – transportation of firearms – loaded firearm. Fees $180.
Tait Lee Ingvaldson, 42, 114 5th St. SE, Geneva. Count 1: Third degree gross misdemeanor – DWI – operate motor vehicle under influence of alcohol. Dismissed. Count 2: Third degree gross misdemeanor – DWI – operate motor vehicle – alcohol concentration 0.08 within two hours. Local confinement 180 days, stay 180 days for two years. Supervised probation two years. Fees $1,005.
The Tribune publishes all convictions where the financial obligation to the court is $180 or greater, or resulted in jail time, probation or community service.