Published 5:13 am Monday, March 20, 2023


Request for Quotations
for Mowing Services
Notice is hereby given that quotations for mowing services for various County owned properties will be received until 11:00 am Tuesday, April 4, 2023, by the Freeborn County Administrator’s Office at 411 Broadway Avenue South, Albert Lea, MN 56007. Attn: Chelsea Barrett. Mowing services are needed at:
1. White’s Woods County Park
2. Arrowhead County Park
3. St. Nicholas County Park and Boat Landing
4. Pickerel Lake County Park and Boat Landing
5. Freeborn County Highway Department Shop
6. Freeborn County Environmental Services Building
Quotation information and requirements can be obtained from the Freeborn County Highway Department Office by calling 507-377-5188 during normal business hours M-F 7-3:30 and requesting copies of the quotation packet.
Quotations must include two letters of reference, list of equipment, and list of employees performing the work. Successful contractor must provide required insurance information upon award of contract.
Indicate 2023 Park Mowing Bid on sealed envelope. Freeborn County reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive irregularities and informalities.

Albert Lea Tribune:
Mar. 18 and 22, 2023

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