
Published 9:08 am Sunday, December 1, 2013

First Lutheran Church Women

First Lutheran Church Women met at 1:15 p.m. Nov. 13 in Bethany Hall.

Lovely prelude music was provided by Joan Holt.

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Neva Mathison welcomed everyone and said how thankful she was to have such a nice crowd at the meeting. She led the group in reciting the purpose statement.

Devotions were given by Jane Loge. She reminded the group that Thanksgiving is fast approaching, and the members needed to thank God for their spiritual resources which are sometimes taken for granted.

Gen Montei introduced the program which was presented by Dr. Della Simmons on eye care for women. Simmons gave the group a preview on the eye problems that can develop as people age. She had many wonderful ideas on ways to preserve eye sight and most were fairly simple and things that could be done daily. Dryness is the most common problem as people age and her advice was to lubricate one’s eyes several times a day as it will help the problem. She also spoke about other eye problems and answered many questions asked by the women. She was an excellent speaker.

The secretary’s report was distributed earlier. It was reviewed and upon motion by Sandy Narverud and seconded by Nancy Jensen and unanimously passed, it was placed on file.

There was nothing to report in old business.

In new business, Marlene Behle said that she has sign up sheets for people wishing to work at Holidays Ahead on Friday and Saturday. She is also requesting that the women make apple or pumpkin desserts for the luncheon as the group was at least seven short at the time of the meeting

The slate of officers for 2014 will be installed at the Dec. 11 meeting and are as follows: Marion Drescher and Sandy Narverud, co-presidents, Donna Ludtke and Joyce Fredin, co-vice presidents, Julia Tonder, secretary. Lois Jensen, corresponding secretary, Virginia Hermanson, treasurer, Gen Montei, assistant treasurer, and Neva Mathison and Bonnie Trampel, immediate past presidents.

Lois Jensen reported there were two thank you notes. One was from Good Earth Village for the $50 and another was from the Ray McMullin family. Newsletters will be placed in the library.

The group read the litany of Thanksgiving and presented its thank offerings.

The offering was received as the women sang the hymn, “Praise and Thanksgiving.”

Wanda Dorman read an offering prayer which listed many privileges that people need to be thankful for throughout each year.

Mathison thanked the greeters, ushers, hostesses, caring and sharing co-chairwomen and their committees and the announcements making a special note of Friends at First on Nov. 19. Signup and prepay was due by Nov. 15.

The group prayed the table prayer before lunch and the meeting was closed by praying the Lord’s Prayer.