Latest Every Little Thing


April Jeppson: Adults need a village to help out in life, too

A child gets hurt at the park, people go over to check until a parent gets there. You ...


April Jeppson: Watching her grow up in front of my eyes

I was sitting at the kitchen table talking to my oldest daughter. Emma got home late and was ...


April Jeppson: Do what you can to make your community a better place

I’d like to tell you about my friend Sarah. She was raised in Virginia (the state, not the ...


April Jeppson: Failing — though painful — helps you grow

When I started working at a hotel, they taught me how to fold towels. I was an adult ...


April Jeppson: Dare to do mighty things throughout this life

This week my husband and I had the joy of taking our children to our alma mater. I ...


April Jeppson: Watching hard work pay off can be moving

Last week during summer camp, the kids put together a recital of sorts for their parents. During the ...


April Jeppson: Don’t go through life living on autopilot

Every Little Thing By April Jeppson I loved spending time with my grandma growing up. We only lived ...


April Jeppson: Summer is here; it’s time to make memories

OK, I know it’s not officially summer, but with school coming to an end for the year, it ...


April Jeppson: Go to the source if there is ever an issue

I had someone confront me this week. They were visibly upset, and I could tell by the tremor ...


April Jeppson: Mother’s Day weekend and planting flowers

My husband just asked me what I’d like to eat for dinner on Sunday. I told him I ...


April Jeppson: Kind words can be like a ray of sunshine

Every Little Thing by April Jeppson This week started out horribly. It didn’t matter how hard I tried, ...


April Jeppson: Pursue the things that make you happy

Every Little Thing by April Jeppson I know that I’m influenced by color, so if the palette speaks ...


April Jeppson: What a difference a little perspective makes

I had a big day today. As a youth, this would have been similar to a final exam ...


April Jeppson: Difficult but necessary choices for happiness

On my way out the door this morning, I noticed that my kitchen table was still covered in ...


April Jeppson: City improvements will have a ripple effect

Every day we hear updates from our co-workers, friends and family. Some days are filled with compliments and ...

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