Milan Hart wants to change government

Published 9:13 am Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I spent some time with Milan Hart this weekend and was surprised to see that he is a candidate for District 27A. Milan isn’t a political kind of guy. I asked his opinions — space here does not allow listing all of them — and I wouldn’t presuppose to speak for him. Suffice it to say that Milan is in favor of reforming state laws to make government less intrusive and more responsive to voters. He seems to be of the opinion that all laws should receive periodic review and updates to make sure that they still serve their intended purpose.

I think that most of us can tell stories of laws that have outlived their original intended use — or that have had mission creep that allows non-elected officials too much power over our lives. If that were his only platform, I would vote for him for that purpose alone.

I thanked him for jumping into the political meat grinder — a thankless job.

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I hope he is successful in obtaining the nomination for running for the seat.


Jim Hanson

Clarks Grove