Manager reprimand notes his value to community

Published 10:15 am Monday, January 19, 2015

Document says ‘outbursts’ to be avoided

A written reprimand approved by the Albert Lea City Council against City Manager Chad Adams in a special meeting earlier this month emphasizes the value of Adams to the community.

Chad Adams

Chad Adams

The reprimand, signed Thursday by Albert Lea Mayor Vern Rasmussen, does not include many details but states Adams’ conduct in a meeting in October with a group of city employees violated the city’s respectful workplace policy. The council voted 4-3 Jan. 6 in a special meeting to issue the reprimand.

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It refers to a part of the policy about conduct that should be avoided in the workplace, including “rudeness, angry outbursts … or any other behavior regarded as offensive to a reasonable person.”

“Our city aspires to be a place where employees are treated with respect and dignity, in order to foster good relationships both with city staff and externally within the community,” the reprimand states.

Rasmussen describes Adams as a “valued employee who has worked hard for community betterment.”

“However, positive relationships between employees will help foster our long-term goal of providing exceptional service to the community,” Rasmussen wrote.

Vern Rasmussen

Vern Rasmussen

Rasmussen said though the council issued the reprimand he hopes residents know how much Adams has done for the community.

Adams in a previous interview said he wanted to move forward positively with the council, employees and the community as a whole.

He has served as Albert Lea’s city manager since spring 2011. Prior to that he was the city administrator in Medina. He has degrees from Southwest Minnesota State University and from the University of Northern Iowa.

The board of directors of the Albert Lea-Freeborn County Chamber of Commerce sent a letter to the Albert Lea City Council in December endorsing Adams as the right person to lead city government.