Keep on funding
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, April 6, 1999
From staff reports
What’s the use of having a car if the road is impassible?&t;!—-&t;.
Tuesday, April 6, 1999
What’s the use of having a car if the road is impassible?
While Gov. Jesse Ventura’s proposal to establish a $75 flat license tab fee sounds fair, it would likely leave Minnesotans with added costs associated with driving damage caused by unsafe roads.
During the two-year budget cycle beginning July 1, 2001, the decrease in tab fees would leave transportation’s budget about $66 million short.
That’s $66 million that wouldn’t be used to maintain our already deteriorating roads.
The funding gap will only get worse in the years to come if countermeasures aren’t taken.
The bill, as proposed, lacks a needed constitutional requirement that would guarantee funds to put into highway maintenance accounts to replace loss of revenue.
Ventura’s proposed to cap fees at $75 after a car’s first registration is a way to ensure a portion of the state’s taxpayers aren’t paying too much for highways used by everyone.
Still, something needs to be done to ensure everyone can use the highways.