Not funny
Published 12:00 am Friday, April 2, 1999
From staff reports
On Thursday, April Fools’ tomfoolery took on a dangerous nature when someone opened up fire hydrants all over the city.
Friday, April 2, 1999
On Thursday, April Fools’ tomfoolery took on a dangerous nature when someone opened up fire hydrants all over the city.
Anyone considering such a prank in the future should stop to think first.
Think of the potential consequences, that is.
At worst, someone could die as a result. Such a tragedy would bring harsh criminal charges for the pranksters, and needless suffering for friends and family of anyone killed or injured.
If enough hydrants were opened, and a house fire occurred, it is possible there may not be enough water pressure to put out a fire.
Also, the opened-up hydrants posed hazards for drivers crossing the watery paths.
Clearly, this was dangerous, even though authorities noted there remained enough water to fight fires Thursday. About 500,000 and 700,000 gallons of water were lost during the night.
A prank on April 1 is one thing, but jokes that endanger families is quite another.
Next time, stick to the harmless variety.