It’s one big birthday
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 5, 1999
Kristin Vanek admits she finds the whole thing &uot;kind of spooky.
Tuesday, October 05, 1999
Kristin Vanek admits she finds the whole thing &uot;kind of spooky.&uot; When she and her husband, Jeff, learned they were expecting their second child on Sept. 29, Jeff said, &uot;Hey, maybe you’ll have it on my birthday.&uot;
Kristin didn’t think that was likely, since that was exactly what had happened two years before. Their daughter, Sara, had been born on Sept. 24, 1997 -&160;Jeff’s birthday.
But it did happen again. On Sept. 24, 1999, Kristin awoke at 3 a.m. -&160;in labor. She waited until Jeff’s alarm went off to tell him.
&uot;He said, ‘Ha, ha, honey, it can’t happen twice,’&uot; Kristin recalled.
Besides, Kristin had been to the doctor the day before and was told she’d likely be back for her appointment the following week.
And the previous Saturday, Kristin had false labor. When she broke the news to Jeff that Friday morning, he wasn’t easily convinced.
&uot;Are you sure?&uot; he asked.
&uot;They’re contractions,&uot; she replied.
Jennifer Vanek was born at 3:12 p.m. Sept. 24, and weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce.
Her sister, Sara, was born Sept. 24, 1997, at 10:23 p.m.
Jeff recalls that time getting up to go to work. Since it was his birthday, he’d called in an order to the doughnut shop and planned to treat his co-workers.
&uot;I told him, ‘I think you’d better cancel that order,’&uot; Kristin recalled.
With three birthdays to celebrate on one day, Kristin anticipates needing to save far in advance for the occasion.
&uot;Hopefully, I can get by with one cake,&uot; she said.
The Vaneks officially celebrated Sara’s second birthday on Sept. 4 this year – just to make sure she’d get a party. As it worked out, they’re glad they did.
Sara’s very fond of her new sister.
And as far as Jeff is concerned, he thinks the whole thing is &uot;pretty nice.&uot;
He got two healthy daughters on his birthday. And who could ask for a better present?