Editorial: Skateboarding and tennis can coexist

Published 12:00 am Thursday, April 12, 2001

It’s fortunate that the Albert Lea City Council found a compromise between the needs of tennis players and skateboarders this week.

Thursday, April 12, 2001

It’s fortunate that the Albert Lea City Council found a compromise between the needs of tennis players and skateboarders this week. It’s clear there is room in this town for both tennis players and skateboarders.

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Both groups appear to have overreacted this week when they went before the council to plead their cases; to hear them tell it, the fate of both sports rested on whether how one set of tennis courts is used. The skaters wanted to use the Channel View courts, while tennis backers objected.

Dedicating one set of tennis courts for temporary skateboarding use seems like a reasonable request; after all, there are no fewer than 12 tennis courts in the city, by an informal count. But skating enthusiasts also will need to find a more permanent solution; old tennis courts seem like a quick fix.

Both tennis and skateboarding are popular and growing activities for young people,a nd both ought to have full room to grow within city limits. The city and its youth will gain from having access to both.