Rain keeps portion of city under water
Published 12:00 am Thursday, June 14, 2001
Photo by Jeff Mulfinger
Walter Shaffer carries insurance papers out from his step-brother’s car, which is stuck in high water, Wednesday morning at Connie Rygh’s Albert Lea home on Kirkwood Avenue.
Thursday, June 14, 2001
Walter Shaffer carries insurance papers out from his step-brother’s car, which is stuck in high water, Wednesday morning at Connie Rygh’s Albert Lea home on Kirkwood Avenue. Rygh said the water rose quickly Wednesday morning, covering much of her yard and flooding her basement. According to Albert Lea City Engineer Dave Olson, the city’s sanitary sewer system flooded in nine areas Wednesday morning due to the rain. Olson said that area of town is prone to high water following storms. Around two inches of rain fell after midnight this morning before the rain stopped, and more storms are forecast for today.