Fountain Lake boat rentals on city agenda
Published 12:00 am Monday, February 11, 2002
A boat rental operation for Fountain Lake is up for discussion again at tonight’s Albert Lea City Council meeting.
Monday, February 11, 2002
A boat rental operation for Fountain Lake is up for discussion again at tonight’s Albert Lea City Council meeting. The council will also need to decide whether to contribute $5,000 toward plans for the Blazing Star Trail.
At the last council meeting, David Berg asked the council for permission to use city property near the city beach for a boat rental operation. Berg had previously requested permission to operate his rental business from a residence he owns on Bridge Avenue, near the beach. The council had originally given permission, but after neighbors objected, the city retracted its initial approval.
Tonight’s discussion will cover the city’s potential liability for the operation. The city can either purchase liability insurance on its own – the cost would be $3,000 – or Berg could be asked to add the city to his own liability coverage, according to Bill Schmitt, assistant city manager.
City staff are also recommending that the council hold a public hearing on the use of public property for boat rentals before making a decision on the issue.
The City of Austin initiated the request for the City of Albert Lea to contribute half the cost of preparing plans for the Blazing Star Trail, said Schmitt. Austin and Albert Lea have created a Joint Powers Committee for the Blazing Star Trail project, and the plans would be used to provide information for legislators and other state officials as proponents of the trail seek their support for the project.
In other Blazing Star business, the council will also be asked to authorize the signing of a lease with the I & M Link for a right-of-way to be used for the trail. The original lease would be for 25 years, but it would renewable for an indefinite period of time, according to Schmitt.