Superintendent will stay
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 22, 2002
Despite an offer of more money and a fresh start in a new community, Albert Lea superintendent David Prescott has decided to stay where his roots are &045; here in Albert Lea.
Monday night, the school board of the Little Falls Community School District voted to offer their superintendent job to Prescott. They cited his leadership and ability to work quickly and implement decisions in making him their top choice. They were offering Prescott a $125,000 contract as superintendent &045; nearly $20,000 more than he is paid in Albert Lea.
According to Prescott, turning down the offer wasn’t easy, but staying here in Albert Lea made the most sense to him personally and professionally. Since finding out about the offer decision at 11:30 p.m. Monday, he consulted with friends and family, talked to officials in Little Falls and thought about his options.
“I just feel my energies will be better used in Albert Lea, restoring confidence in the school district and increasing our funding in any way we can,” Prescott said. There is still unfinished business for him in this district, he said.
“We saw him as an excellent leader, and as an individual who inspires trust and confidence,” said Clarence Dobmeier, vice-chairman of the Little Falls school board. They were hoping he would be the kind of leader who would inspire a vision for the Little Falls schools, and help build a spirit of cooperation and collaboration between the community, businesses and the school, Dobmeier said.