Paving to close downtown streets
Published 12:00 am Thursday, June 27, 2002
The downtown paving project kicks into full gear today, as milling and paving of streets is set to begin, closing off some stretches of road and blocking access to some downtown buildings.
During the project, which began in preliminary phases weeks ago, was to begin in earnest as the west side of Broadway Avenue was to close from Main Street to Fountain Street. Also scheduled to close today were Clark Street from St. Mary Avenue to Broadway and Washington Avenue from Fountain Street to William Street.
Portions of the downtown grid will be closed one day for milling and the next day for paving. No streets are scheduled to be closed for more than two days in a row, but the streets will be closing again as the second layer of pavement is laid.
The city says at least one half of Broadway will be open at all times to traffic.
Sidewalk and curb replacements will also be continuing.
The planned schedule of street closings, after today, is as follows:
– Phase two &045; milled Friday and first layer paved Saturday: Washington Avenue from William to Pearl Street; William, from Washington to Broadway; College Street, from Washington to Broadway; and Pearl, from Washington to Broadway.
– Phase three &045; milled Monday, July 1 and first layer paved Tuesday, July 2: East side of Broadway from Main to Fountain; and Clark, from Broadway to Newton Avenue.
– Phase four &045; milled Tuesday, July 2 and first layer paved, Wednesday, July 3: William, from Newton to Elizabeth Avenue; College, from Broadway to Newton; and Elizabeth, from William to Clark.
– Phase five &045; milled Monday, July 8 and first layer paved Tuesday, July 9: Newton, from Clark to railroad tracks.
The schedule is subject to change because of weather delays.
Residents can contact the city engineer’s office at 377-4325 with questions.