Voters must fill school board vacancy

Published 12:00 am Monday, June 3, 2002

An unexpected vacancy on the Albert Lea school board leaves the rest of the board with the decision on what to do.

According to Ken Peterson, board chairman, they see three options as they discuss filling the position. But first they have to make a difficult decision.

&uot;Basically, the dilemma is do we appoint someone or not,&uot; said Peterson. The appointment would be for the five months before the November election. The vacancy was created by Darlene Greibok-Hahn’s resignation for health reasons from the Albert Lea School Board on May 20. Since she was first elected in 2000, enough of her term is left that the district is required to fill out the remainder via an election.

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The options under discussion at tonight’s school board meeting are to leave the position vacant until the election fills it, go through interviews and appoint someone who may then run in the election, or appoint a previous board member to fill in just for the five months until the election.

No action is scheduled at the meeting, but board members think they need to get the discussion underway so they can make a decision as quickly as possible.

At Monday night’s meeting, the board is also scheduled to:

– Approve appointments to the Community Education Advisory Board and present certificates of recognition to those leaving the advisory board.

– Take action on a joint powers agreement with Minnesota State University-Mankato.

– Accept a bid on resurfacing parking lots.

– Decide whether to hire a coach/weight room supervisor for the high school.

– Take action on a proposal to hire a Student Health Center coordinator. The funding would come from state grant money for the 2002-2003 school year.

– Hear the first reading on policies governing graduation requirements and instructional and media resources.