Events to remember those who died in terrorist attacks

Published 12:00 am Saturday, September 7, 2002

Albert Lea firefighters will hold a special memorial service for victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks beginning at 9 a.m. Wednesday behind the fire station on Fountain Street.

The public is welcome to attend the service, which is expected to last about 35 minutes.

Fire Chief Rich Sydnes will speak, and the bell will toll. The Rev. Richard Spande will give the invocation, and Freeborn County Commissioner Dave Mullenbach and Mayor Bob Haukoos will address the crowd.

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The service is just one of many events planned around the county and the state.

As a moment of commemoration and remembrance, Gov. Jesse Ventura is asking all Minnesota communities to ring their church bells at exactly 7:46 a.m. for one minute, followed by a moment of silence.

Then, throughout the day, Minnesotans are asked to drive with their headlights on in recognition of Minnesota’s first responders &045; the police, fire and emergency response personnel who put their lives on the line to keep Minnesota safe.

Following is a roundup of other events planned throughout the area on Wednesday:

– Students in Albert Lea Area Schools will observe a moment of silence at 10 a.m.

– The Albert Lea-Freeborn County Chamber of Commerce is urging everyone to observe a moment of silence at noon. Many businesses such as the Albert Lea Medical Center &045; Mayo Health System, will be announcing the moment of silence over the intercom system. All businesses and organizations are urged to do the same at noon. Another way to show support is for everyone to wear patriotic colors and lapel pins with red, white and blue.

– In Lake Mills, Iowa, a prayer service will be held from 7:45-8:15 a.m. at Salem Lutheran Church. At 8:35 a.m., Lake Mills Community School students will gather for an assembly to reflect and honor those who serve and have served the country.

– The community of Wells will hold a special ceremony at 1 p.m. in the Gordon Hansen Auditorium at United South Central High School. Participating will be the Wells Fire Department, color guard, high school band, the Rev. Paul Baker, Gary Oppedal, the VFW and Legion, the mayor and other dignitaries.

– St. Theodore Catholic Church in Albert Lea will hold a memorial liturgy at 5:30 p.m.

– First Lutheran Church in Northwood, Iowa,

will hold a remembrance service at 5:30 p.m. It’s billed as &uot;An evening to remember those who died and to hear a message of hope for those who live.&uot;

– Assemblies of God Church of Albert Lea will hold a memorial service at 7 p.m. at the church, 1540 South Shore Drive. Included in this service will be special patriotic music, guest speakers and a &uot;human video&uot; put on by youths of the church with Lee Greenwood’s song &uot;Proud to Be an American.&uot;

– A community worship service will be held at 7 p.m. at Grace Lutheran Church, 918 Garfield Ave., Albert Lea. The evening’s message will come from Chaplain Paul Baker, a lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserve and also one of the pastors at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Wells. In response to the Sept. 11 attack, Baker was called to active duty, serving at the Pentagon with Operation Noble Eagle during the three months following the events of Sept. 11. In addition to the message from Baker, the service will also include music in both contemporary and traditional styles, scripture readings, and prayer. Many youths will be participating in this worship service through their involvement with Community Youth Group and various confirmation programs. The Crime Victims Crisis Center will have resources available to parents to assist them in talking with their children. All are welcome.

– A Service of Remembrance will be observed at the Albert Lea United Methodist Church at 7 p.m.

The service will include scripture, prayers, testimony, and special music selections.

The special music selections will include “A Prayer for Unity” by the Chancel Choir, “Heal our Land” by the Contemporary Worship Team Singers, and the service will close with “Lord, Make Me an Instrument of The Peace” presented by the Power Ringers, one of the church’s youth handbell choirs. Worshippers will be asked to ponder the question, “How have the events of Sept.

impacted your life and/ or faith?”

Those who wish to share aloud will be given the opportunity to do so.

Those who wish to express themselves in a different way may bring a written poem, picture, piece of artwork, or some other non-verbal expression to place on a bulletin board in the worship space. The public is welcome to attend and participate.

A special event will also be held this evening in Alden. Members of Alden United Methodist Church and Redeemer Lutheran Church are hosting a service at 7 p.m. at the Alden-Conger School. The Rev. Paul Baker will speak, and the service will include a military color guard, patriotic hymns, prayers and special music by the Calvary Connection and Alden Area Community Chorus.