Curb side service
Published 12:00 am Monday, October 21, 2002
Beverly Flinn is aware of the traffic patterns throughout the city of Albert Lea. Like when traffic is backed up on Bridge Avenue at around 4 p.m. on weekdays.
&uot;If you can drive in Albert Lea, you can drive anywhere,&uot; she said. &uot;You have to drive your car and the other guy’s.&uot;
Flinn provides rides through Senior Resources for people who are unable to drive themselves.
Flinn volunteers four days a week, and more if needed. She will pick up the person at their home and then drop them off wherever they need to go. Flinn will then pick the person back up when they are done and bring them back home. She does this two or three times a day.
Flinn starteed volunteering at Senior Resoucres when she moved from a farm in LeRoy, Minn. to Albert Lea in 1993.
Flinn drives the same people reguarly and enjoys hearing about the families and the latest news.
&uot;Meeting the people, visiting with them, they’re more like family,&uot; she said. &uot;It’s just like meeting your sister.&uot;
If you are interested in volunterring at Senior Resources call 377-2377 .