Editorial: Cooperation made tree effort possible

Published 12:00 am Thursday, November 21, 2002

The effort to draw more interest to Albert Lea’s downtown this Christmas season, which has included involvement by the city, county, Destination: Albert Lea, the Chamber of Commerce and private businesses, is a good example of a nice community effort of which the city can be proud.

A Christmas tree, donated by the county, was placed on city land and will be decked out thanks to help from public and private groups. Donations are being sought to pay for illuminating the tree throughout the holiday season. Because so many groups have been willing to do their part, the cost and the effort have been spread sufficiently to make the project possible.

It goes to show that a few interested citizens, if they get local governments and other groups on board, can accomplish something positive. Having a Christmas tree downtown in itself is not a huge achievement, but it’s a nice touch. When people get involved for a cause, it can have positive effects.

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The city, county and the private groups and busineses involved deserve a thank you for their efforts and openness to such a project.

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