Editorial: Healthy dose of paranoia could save a life

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, March 30, 2004

It seems more frequently, news reports are peppered with stories of students, children, who have gone missing.

Occasionally, those stories have a happy ending &045; child found, family reunited.

More frequently, those stories have a far sadder ending.

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The recent baffling disappearance of a University of Wisconsin-Madison student, Audrey Seiler, is a frightening reminder of the necessity of arming our older children with a certain level of skeptism concerning strangers.

We make every effort to ensure our youngest children know the dangers of talking to strangers, but as the kids grow up, we assume they are capable of making such judgments without our help.

Perhaps they are. But it sure can’t hurt to remind them that danger lurks behind bushes, in vans, outside the door.

It sure can’t hurt to remind them to be aware of their surroundings, be careful about chemicals designed to make them less wary of people.

We aren’t saying pass on hysteria to children, but a healthy dose of paranoia could save your young adult from the unhealthy intentions of people with few scruples.

Don’t wait another day to pass on a word of caution.