Editorial: Poppies show appreciation for war veterans

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Residents may find members of the Albert Lea American Legion Auxiliary asking them to wear a poppy this Thursday and Friday.

We urge everyone these women approach to consider making a donation to the organization in honor and appreciation of those who have died in wars, then to wear a handmade poppy proudly.

The poppy, a symbol of sacrifice since World War I, was first distributed at a New York YMCA in November of 1918 by Moina Michael to businessmen who were attending a meeting. Since that day, the poppy has become nationally recognized as a memorial flower to those who have died in wars.

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It’s become a simple way to show our community’s veterans how much we appreciate their sacrifices for our freedom. It’s a way to remind Americans each year that the men and women who have served and died for their country deserve to be remembered.

The poppies will be available at various locations in Albert Lea beginning at 8 a.m. Thursday and Friday, including malls and grocery stores. Donations will be used to fund veterans’ programs.

Support the effort of this national symbol of sacrifice.