Editorial: Wave or smile at officers to show support

Published 12:00 am Friday, May 14, 2004

A memorial wall in Washington, D.C., pays respect to the more than 14,000 law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty. This week was set aside to honor all law officers and we should take a moment to show our appreciation.

Thankfully, no police officer has died on duty in Albert Lea, but nationwide, 145 officers died in 2003. Though less than the average of 167, it’s still far too many.

This week, during National Police Week, we need to take the time to honor our own &uot;men and women in blue,&uot; whose mission is protecting our safety from people with less than honorable intentions.

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Their job is not an easy one, with meth use creating a dangerous environment for users and their victims, as well

the many other crimes committed by unscrupulous people.

State budget cuts also do not make their job easier, as law enforcement struggles to do more with less. Though an insane predictament, it is, nonetheless, a reality that forces deputies to find creative ways to raise money for life-saving equipment, including firearms.

The complexity of our society makes enforcing the laws of the land complex and our hats are off to officers of the law. Our own law officers &045; both city police and county deputies &045; do a fine job, responding to all of our calls for service. Such calls can be as mundane as a barking dog or loud noise call, to extremely dangerous, as was the case last November when dispatch reported a call of a bank robbery.

Wave at the officers, stop by their offices, send a thank you note &045; find a way to express your appreciation for the great job they do in Albert Lea and Freeborn County.