Editorial: Public comment a common theme with candidates
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 13, 2004
There seems to be a common thread with candidates running for open Freeborn County Board positions: More public input is needed.
It must be said that just because commissioners have decided against the wishes of the people doesn’t necessarily mean they didn’t hear them.
The public can often get behind a cause for sentimental reasons, which isn’t the best basis for making decisions.
Commissioners take into account many factors when attempting to decide the best course of action on an issue, such as cost, feasibility, overall need, the best interests of the majority and even the legality of a decision. State and federal laws and guidelines also come into play, as do county and city ordinances.
To say county leaders carry a heavy load at times making decisions for us is an understatement.
Most of us refuse to get out of our comfortable chairs to take their place in the governmental process. The decisions are not easy and it’s much easier to be &uot;armchair commissioners,&uot; criticizing our elected officials.
However, public input is an absolute necessity and commissioners &045; incumbents and those who may be elected this fall &045; must allow us to have a say on issues which affect us &045; and most county decisions have an impact on us.
And they should find a way to make that accessibility a reality or the county residents will make their wishes known at the polls in November.