Editorial: If you are able, share during holiday season

Published 12:00 am Saturday, November 13, 2004

As we approach Thanksgiving and Christmas, we ask Albert Lea residents with the means to reach into their pockets and pocketbooks and share with people who may have financial difficulties providing a festive holiday for their families.

The reasons people experience financial troubles vary, but this year because of September’s floods, many people who normally manage just fine, will need our help.

There are so many ways to help, find one that works best for you:

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Coats for Kids allows a child to be warm when temperatures dip.

The Salvation Army’s food shelf is especially in need of non-perishable food at this time of the year. Please don’t hesitate to give what you can as often as you can.

A financial donation to The Salvation Army or your church helps families with very specific needs.

Purchasing gifts for kids and donating them to a charity also ensures each child will have a present under their tree.

These are just a few places which can deliver much needed assistance. You don’t have to give much, but please give.