Interfaith Disaster Response offers help until March 31

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Tribune staff reports

Soon after September’s floods, some people in southern Minnesota were left without needed assistance.

To address the unmet needs of a community, groups of churches gathered in response to both emotional and some financial needs. The Southern Minnesota Interfaith Disaster Response and Austin Area Interfaith Disaster Response were formed by pastors and local leaders and since last fall the groups have been busy addressing the needs of hundreds of people.

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The combined organizations raised over $145,000 to assist families and have spent a great deal of the funds on building supplies, furnaces, hot water heaters, mold abatement and many other items people have needed.

Funds are still available from the Interfaith groups, about $60,000, for more people who contact them with relevant needs.

But, though the groups have done a lot of good work, assistance isn’t permanent.

In a press release issued by LSS Case Work Manager Nancy Beers, she announced their office will not take any new cases after March 31 of this year.

&uot;We will remain open for several weeks after that date to finish up our work with the cases we do have open. We want to encourage individuals and families that have not contacted us before but feel they still need some help in their recovery,&uot; Beers said.

It is important to contact the Interfaith group or additional assistance may not be had by people who are in need.

&uot;Our prayer is that we will reach every one in the community that needs our help,&uot; Beers said.

Beers encourages anyone who feels they may benefit from additional assistance to call her at (507) 381-1899 or (507) 434-3634. Leave a message if no one answers with name and telephone number and they will be in contact.