Editorial: All at the table must have an open mind

Published 12:00 am Thursday, May 5, 2005

Before the city of Albert Lea proceeds with its annexation, which we believe is in the best interests of the community, it must answer and address affected homeowners’ and conservation issues.

It would be easy for officials to say &uot;we can proceed, despite what others want,&uot; but we don’t believe such an attitude is the way to build community confidence or good will.

We are not saying a small group of people should dictate the best interests of the community as a whole, however, as the city continues to mend fences after a long dark winter of residents thinking their wishes were always ignored, it would do the city good to find a win-win solution.

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The best way to find that solution is to answer questions and take into consideration the ramifications of their actions.

Going forward with the annexation because township residents don’t have to agree to it, will do nothing to build confidence in residents that their concerns will be heard.

Outlining costs, addressing environmental and conservation concerns is important and must not be ignored in the name of development.

While its understandable the developer wants to press on with its project, they too, will be better served if they have a good relationship with neighbors.

Residents in the area of the proposed development must also look beyond their own yard to the betterment of Albert Lea. They should go to the table with an open mind and less paranoia the government is out to get them and also work toward a win-win solution.

Perhaps if all at the table are looking toward the future, the best solution will surface.