Keillor column is now regular Tuesday feature

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 5, 2005

The Albert Lea Tribune is pleased to announce it will begin running a weekly column by popular Minnesota resident Garrison Keillor.

Keillor is an acclaimed radio humorist and best-selling author. His weekly column &uot;The Old Scout&uot; will run each Tuesday on Page 4 of the Tribune.

Keillor is the host and writer of “A Prairie Home Companion,” heard weekly by more than 4 million listeners on public radio stations across the country since 1974, and of “The Writer’s Almanac,” his daily radio show with its poem-for-the-day. Keillor has written 16 books, including “Lake Wobegon Days,” “The Book of Guys,” “Homegrown Democrat” and “Daddy’s Girl.”

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He wrote the screenplay for the Robert Altman film, “A Prairie Home Companion,” in which he appears as himself.

Keillor was inducted into the Radio Hall of Fame in 1994. He was honored with the National Humanities Medal in 1999 and is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters.

Keillor lives in St. Paul with his wife and daughter.