Orchestra concert showcases A.L. students

Published 12:00 am Thursday, May 18, 2006

By Kari Lucin, staff writer

Big-name classical composers Beethoven, Haydn and Mozart are all on the program for Friday night’s Albert Lea High School orchestra concert, designed as a showcase for seniors.

The concert will be held at 7:30 p.m. Friday in the high school auditorium.

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&8220;They have been working on this music for a month and a half and it sounds great,&8221; said Gene Schott, Albert Lea Area Schools orchestra director. &8220;This caps off a great year with strong performances at each of our concerts, as well as the Big Nine Music Festival.&8221;

The Chamber Orchestra will play Beethoven’s &8220;Rondo Espressivo,&8221; the Senior Strings will perform Holst’s &8220;Praludium,&8221; and the ALHS Symphony Orchestra will play the first movement of Mozart’s &8220;Symphony #25&8221; as well as the third movement of Haydn’s &8220;Cello Concert in C.&8221; The evening will be completed with Enigma Variation #9, &8220;Nimrod,&8221; by Elgar.

&8220;All three pieces being performed by the ALHS symphony Orchestra are standard repertoire for the world’s professional orchestras,&8221; Schott said.