St. Johns Auxiliary
Published 12:00 am Friday, April 25, 2008
St. John&8217;s Lutheran Home Auxiliary met April 21 in St. John&8217;s Chapel. President JoAnne Fink welcomed everyone with a poem about spring. Devotions were given by JoAnne Fink. The hymn, &8220;Amazing Grace,&8221; was sung, accompanied by Jeanette Olson.
Secretary&8217;s report was given by Caroline Neale. Ruth Perry gave the treasurer&8217;s report.
Carla Reichel, volunteer coordinator, reported there were 609 volunteer hours reported in March. Teddy bears had 120 visits; You and Me Club, as well as the Kangaroo Club were busy. Reichel reported the volunteer banquet on April 14 was successful. She thanked all residents and auxiliary members who volunteer.
Fink read the names of residents celebrating April birthdays and the birthday song was sung in their honor. Celebrating April birthdays are: Bessie Dickinson, Carmen Dupont, Mildred Kaehler, Louvada Hall, Arla Hage, Harriet Fisk, Robert Breiholz, Elmo Hedum, Thomas Hagen, Donald Searles and Ardis Thompson.
Churches thanked for serving coffee were: March 30 Round Prairie Lutheran, April 6 Redeemer Lutheran, Alden, April 13 Salem Lutheran, April 20 Women&8217;s Veterans of Freeborn County. Round Prairie Lutheran was thanked for providing the April 9 Cheer program.
The program was presented by Ken Bertelson, who played the keyboard, and Millard Hamborg, who played the accordion. They played a number of familiar old time and new time songs.
Refreshments provided by the dietary department were served in the dining room.