Learning at Vacation Bible School

Published 11:49 am Friday, June 20, 2008

Hartland and Manchester Evangelical Lutheran Churches held their annual Vacation Bible School event at Hartland this past week. Many of the teachers, helpers and students are shown here gathered in the altar area for a group. The Vacation Bible School theme this year was “The Bible Discovery Museum.” The students were taken on an imaginary tour through five halls called the hall of forgiveness, faithfulness, kindness, mercy and love. Through their class lessons and opening devotions they learned about Biblical persons who lived the qualities of the various museum halls. It was emphasized also that God has shown these same attitudes toward us and especially through our Savior Jesus Christ. This was an especially fun and exciting way to discover the Bible and its truths and people. The youth each painted on figurines for their own nativity set — including stable — which they complete during their years at the Vacation Bible School. There was also singing, crafts, snacks and games. The students put on a program at the church the following Sunday before a large audience.

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