Volunteers make Week of Caring special
Published 8:20 am Saturday, June 28, 2008
As the 12th Annual United Way Week of Caring wraps up I would like to thoroughly thank the volunteers that made the week special.
Approximately 100 energetic volunteers worked on 35 different projects, which included washing windows for senior citizens, painting the free weight room plus more at the Y, assembling awareness ribbons for the Crime Victims Crisis Center, serving punch for the Arc prom. United Way’s theme of “Live United” played perfectly into our hands as the volunteers helped side by side with their co-workers and the agencies giving back to our great community.
Businesses and groups participating were Albert Lea Medical Center, Cargill, Innovance, Poet, Alliant Energy, Minnesota Corrugated Box, American Bank, Nelson’s Market Place, Burger King, U.S. Bank, Home Depot, Girl Scout Troup, Cub Scouts and Americorps group. I would like to thank each business and all of the volunteers for caring and helping to make our community just a little more extraordinary.
Thank you also to Tiffany Hagen and Sue Berg, this year’s campaign co-chairwomen for their added enthusiasm, to Rebecca Gisel, a new committee member, for your fresh thoughts and assistance and to Corrine Applegate and Dave Bonnerup, our loyal United Way staff, for all your devotion.
Thank you Freeborn County for your dedicated support and enthusiasm of our communities.
Beth Goodman, U.S. Bank
Week Of Caring chairwoman