Organic farming field day on Yokiel, Lutteke farms
Published 11:11 pm Sunday, August 31, 2008
Ray Yokiel, Dennis Lutteke, and their families will host an organic farming field day on their farms on Sept. 6. The public is invited, free of charge, to this field day which will start at 9 a.m. at the Yokiel farm, about 1 mile east of Wells at 59129 180th St.
At noon the event will move to the nearby Lutteke farm for a meal featuring organic food. The featured speakers at the event are Bob Yanda, an agronomist from Midwest Bio Ag, and Will Winter, a veterinarian. Yanda will talk about organic farming practices in the morning and Winter will address animal and human health in the afternoon. There will be opportunities to view the organic crops on both farms and to view the Lutteke organic dairy.
This event will be similar to a very well attended event held on these two farms last year. There will be many opportunities to ask questions and share information about organic farming and other types of farming.
Call Ray at (507) 380-5745 or Dennis at (507) 553-5633 for more information.